Hello everyone. This might be a short one but that does not represent my week! It was again a powerhouse week!!! And come Sunday it came with a reward! We had so many of our investigators at church it was amazing. Like 25% of our church attendance was investigators! The ward and our very strict bishop was very happy! They are doing so good and are all so amazing! A lot of them are bringing their friends and its just exploding! So we are very happy and have seen so many miracles in our area and has seen that Heavenly Father is really helping us!
We have been very bold in our commitments to coming to church because you never know how good a cake is if you never take a bite! Since our ward is so boss they always love staying all three hours and going to the classes! That's something that always gets them. It seems like we are the only church that is 3 hours and they always so that's too long but when they come they always want to stay for all 3 hours. You can really feel the spirit at church! Especially when its full of members who sacrifice so much to be a member! Something special!
Well on the worldly side I Just got back from a mini bowling place where everything is manual. After you knock down all the pins you crawl in the pit thing and set them all up again. HaHa I thought that was kinda cool!
I love love love my area and the people here! Hopefully I will finish my 6 months here I wouldn't even mind doing more than that! We are having fun and working hard. Missionary work is so powerful. It has the power to change the position of the lives of these people here! Love Love love it!!!!
Sorry it was a little short writing is not my strong point by any means but I just hope you get the feeling that I just love my mission!!!!!
Elder Jackson Erik Craythorne:)