Good morning everyone. So most of you have heard of a Typhoon. Here the Typhoon is named Ruby. So that caused our week to be a little different than usual. Well for some background. Last November this place got hit really hard with a Super Typhoon. And they are still recovering from that. So when news came that another super Typhoon was coming everybody was really scared because they remember how bad the one was just last year. So there was a lot of people getting prepared for it to come. But news travels slow so no body really knew what was going on. So we were told to stay in our apartment all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Except we were able to go to church on Sunday. That was something really cool to see too. So this city really shut down. All the people evacuated into the School or concrete buildings. But a text went out to all the members saying that we would still have church. I didn't think anyone would be there because the wind and rain was pretty strong. But I was wrong. And our church was packed! I was proud of the members here.
So I am still not sure what happened but either it missed us or it got really weak because we just has wind and rain. Nothing too bad at all. Maybe somewhere else got it a lot worse. But we were way lucky! Which is good because these people can't take another Typhoon. So I am way happy that nothing bad happened here.
Well I am all rested up now and got some much needed extra study this week. It was nice to help tie a bunch of tin roofs down in preparation for the storm. They really learned from the last storm and was well prepared for this one.
So yeah all is still good here. I am so ready to get back to work again. It has been way to long. I really missed going out and working. It got really cold this week. I needed to use a blanket to sleep last night. Our thermometer said it got down to 76 degrees! Haha well it sounds like the weather is really nice at home and everyone is in the Christmas spirit. I got to run. I love you all so much!!!
Elder Jackson Erik Craythorne
Some of the food I ate at our Thanksgiving feast!!